Du willst Zahnstein und hohe Tierarztkosten bei deiner Fellnase vorbeugen?
Unsere PUJA Vitality Teeth Cracker enthalten gesunde Braunalge, die nach neusten Studien zu einer geringeren Zahnsteinbildung beiträgt
Du willst Zahnstein und hohe Tierarztkosten bei deiner Fellnase vorbeugen?
Unsere PUJA Vitality Teeth Cracker enthalten gesunde Braunalge, die nach neusten Studien zu einer geringeren Zahnsteinbildung beiträgt
Zahngesundheit 🦷 für deine FellnaseHIER INFORMIEREN ➔
PUJA - For the love of animals
Delicious and healthy food - developed by veterinarians, produced locally and sustainably with the best raw materials.
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Discover the diversity of PUJA Pet
Wild curly head or chic short hairstyle, sensitive nature or playful tomboy: because every four-legged friend is different, we offer you tasty and healthy food that is tailored to the needs of your furry friend. It's fun, highly digestible and gives a clear conscience during training, play and rewards.
Our innovative, vitamin- and nutrient-rich pet food has been developed by specialist vets and consists not only of selected, high-quality ingredients, but has also been deliberately developed without artificial additives! This makes the entire PUJA food world highly compatible and health-promoting and is even suitable for very sensitive four-legged friends.
PUJA is the innovation in the food bowl: a pet food that not only tastes good for your pet, but also keeps the ecological footprint small. We produce in Germany and focus on 100% sustainability and environmental friendliness in our design packaging.
Would you like to have your order delivered directly to your home? No problem, with our partner DHLGoGreen we deliver our products conveniently to your home at the touch of a button.
Want to find out more? Click through our delicious product range and find the right food for your four-legged friend.
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PUJA Pet – for the love of animals
Our NEW PRODUCTS - pamper your furry nose!
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